Contribute to WISMedPAC

WISMedPAC— the Society’s political action committee—makes contributions to Wisconsin state candidates and political committees who are in key races, are in leadership roles or are identified as being pro health care. Contributions are made in the name of WISMedPAC and are at the direction of the WISMedPAC Board of Directors. Physicians keep a lower profile because the checks do not identify individual contributors.

Executive Committee

  • Chairman: John Hartman, MD
  • Treasurer/Secretary: Paul Wertsch, MD
  • Vice Chair: Dan Bennett, MD

Board Members

  • Andrew Campbell, MD
  • Clarence Chou, MD
  • Sherry Clarke
  • Donn Dexter, MD
  • Nicole Hemkes, MD
  • Don Lee, MD
  • Thomas Luetzow, MD
  • Kenneth J. Pechman, PhD
  • William Raduege, MD


WISMedPAC Contributions

Have a WisMed account? Make sure you are logged in to use your payment details.

Personal details

To mail your contribution:

Click here to download and print a contribution form. Contributions can be made either with a check or credit card. If you send your credit card information, you may select a one-time contribution or designate multiple contributions throughout the year.

To learn more about these political programs, contact Heidi Green at 608.442.3720.